David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

The RSpec Book: Beta 6.0

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The RSpec Book Beta 6.0 was just released. This release includes a number of fixed errata, two new chapters, and a bit of re-organization.


We added a new chapter with basic install instructions and basic Hello Cucumber and Hello RSpec examples.

Rails Models

Covers writing model specs, validations, associations, mocks, test data builders and more.

Automating Features with Cucumber

We split Describing Features with Cucumber into two chapters: Describing Features with Cucumber and Automating Features with Cucumber. This allowed us to expand the material on planning the first release and iteration in the first chapter, and keep of the technical in the trenches material in the second.

Even if you’ve already read through the tutorial in previous beta releases, you’re going to want to re-read these two chapters.
