David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

The RSpec Book: Beta 4.0

We’ve released version 4.0 of The RSpec Book beta. It’s got a number of improvements per suggestions submitted by readers, as well as two exciting new chapters.

New Chapter: Rails Controllers

Continuing inward on our outside-in journey, this chapter explores how (and when) to write controller specs. We also introduce approaches to dealing with some controller-specific spec’ing challenges like filters, global behaviour defined in application controller and sending email.

New Chapter: Extending RSpec

This chapter introduces techniques for extending RSpec to cater to domain-specific needs. Covered topics include custom example group classes, custom matchers (including an exciting new matcher definition DSL), macros and custom formatters. Whether customizing RSpec for your own app, or in order to ship domain-specific spec’ing extensions with the libraries you’re releasing, this chapter is filled with really useful information that will help you make your specs easier to write and read.

Thanks (again, and again, and again)

Many thanks to all of you who are already participating in The RSpec Book beta program and making so many great suggestions. Your ongoing contribution to this process remains invaluable for the book and all of its readers.