David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

The RSpec Book - Beta 2.0

The Pragmatic Programmers have just released the The RSpec Book, Beta 2.0. If you’ve already purchased the beta book, you can go to your account page and you’ll be able to download the new update.

If you haven’t purchased the beta book yet, now is a great time to join the party! We just added three new chapters:

Evolving Requirements

This is the next chapter in the Mastermind tutorial, which takes you through the evolution of a command line version of the classic Mastermind board game. The earlier chapters introduce RSpec and Cucumber. This new chapter introduces Cucumber’s new Scenario Outlines feature, which let’s you express repetitive scenarios in FIT-inspired tabular format.

Simulating the Browser with Webrat

Bryan Helmkamp, Webrat’s lead maintainer, builds on the Cucumber/Rails material in earlier chapters, driving those scenarios through the Rails stack with Webrat’s simple, powerful API.

Rails Views

Zach Dennis shows you how to write RSpec code examples for Rails views. Using Webrat’s have_xpath and have_selector matchers, and wrapping them in custom matchers targetted at your app, Zach shows you how to provide value throughout the life of the application with expressive, maintainable view specs.

Chapters from Beta 1.0

These new chapters build on the chapters we already released in Beta 1.0:

  • Introduction

  • Describing Application Behaviour with Cucumber

  • Working from the Outside-In with RSpec

  • Code Examples

  • Expectations

  • RSpec and Test::Unit

  • Tools and Integration

  • BDD in Rails

  • Cucumber with Rails

Up Next

We’ve got many more chapters coming over the next two or three updates, including chapters from Dan North and Dave Astels on Behaviour Driven Development and Mock Objects, new material on integrating Selenium, extending and customizing RSpec, and much, much more.

Thanks to all who are already participating in the beta program. We’ve gotten some great feedback so far. Some of it is already incorporated in the 2.0 beta release, and much more will be addressed in the upcoming releases. You’re all making this a better book for everyone else who will read it, so thank you, thank you, thank you.