Here’s the latest update to Plain Text Stories. Effective r2789 in RSpec’s trunk.
Step 1: Write a Story
<code>Story: simple addition
As an accountant
I want to add numbers
So that I can count beans
Scenario: add one plus one
Given an addend of 1
And an addend of 1
When the addends are added
Then the sum should be 2
And the corks should be popped
Scenario: add two plus five
Given an addend of 2
And an addend of 5
When the addends are added
Then the sum should be 7
Step 2: Create Steps
<code># This creates steps for :addition
steps_for(:addition) do
Given("an addend of $addend") do |addend|
@adder ||=
@adder << addend.to_i
# This appends to them
steps_for(:addition) do
When("the addends are added") { @sum = @adder.sum }
Then("the sum should be $sum") { |sum| @sum.should == sum.to_i }
Step 3: Let her open the box … no, that’s not it …
Step 3: Run the Story with the steps you want (adding any that are only for this story as you go).
<code>with_steps_for :addition do
Then("the corks should be popped") {}
run 'path/to/story/file'
Working with Rails?
<code>with_steps_for :navigation do
run 'path/to/story/file', :type => RailsStory
What about multiple groups of steps?
with_steps_for :login, :navigation, :form_submissions do
run 'path/to/story/file'
Coming soon to a computer near you … (as soon as you can “seven up”)