David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

Plain Text Stories on Rails

Since my last post on plain text stories, there have already been a few improvements, not the least of which is that it will now work with Rails. Again, this is trunk (rev 2769+) only and experimental.

Here’s a working example from an app that I’m working on:


Story: registered user logs in
As a registered user
I want to have to log in
So that only other registered users can see my data

Scenario: user logs in and sees welcome page
  Given a user registered with login: foo and password: test
  When user logs in with login: foo and password: test
  Then user should see the welcome page

Scenario: user logs in with wrong password
  Given a user registered with login: foo and password: test
  When user logs in with login: foo and password: wrong
  Then user should see the login form
  And page should include text: There was an error logging in.

Scenario: user logs in with wrong login name
  Given a user registered with login: foo and password: test
  When user logs in with login: wrong and password: test
  Then user should see the login form
  And page should include text: There was an error logging in.

[Update: modified to use runner.steps instead of runner.step_matchers]


<code>require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[helper])

run_story :type => RailsStory do |runner|
runner.steps << LoginSteps.new
runner.steps << NavigationSteps.new
runner.load File.expand_path(__FILE__).gsub(".rb","")

Here’s what’s new in this example:

  • run_story is added to the main object so you don’t have to remember that silly path to the PlainTextStoryRunner which will undoutedbly change!

  • run_story accepts arguments, including an options hash, which it will pass to the constructor of the PlainTextStoryRunner (in this case, :type => RailsStory)

  • run_story yields the runner, which now supports a load method which you use to tell it where to find the plain text story file.

  • run_story … runs the story

Keep your eyes peeled for more updates in the coming days.