David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

rspec-2.8.0.rc1 is released

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I just released rspec-2.8.0.rc1, which includes releases of rspec-core, rspec-expectations, rspec-mocks, and rspec-rails. Changelogs for each are at:

What’s new

Nothing really changed in rspec-rails or rspec-mocks, but rspec-core and rspec-expectations have both gotten some nice improvements.

Configuration (rspec-core)

rspec-core offers a number of configuration options which can be declared on the command line, in a config file (.rspec, ~/.rspec, or custom location), as well as in an RSpec.configure block (in spec/spec_helper.rb by convention). Before this release, some options, but not all, could be stored in config files and then overridden on the command line. The problems were that it was inconsistent (not all options worked this way), and we couldn’t override options that were set in RSpec.configure blocks.

With this release, almost all options declared in RSpec.configure can be overridden from the command line, and --tag options can override their inverses. For example, if you have this in .rspec:

--tag ~slow:true

That means “exclude examples tagged :slow => true”. So the following example would be excluded:

it "does something", :slow => true do
  # ...

You can also exclude that example from RSpec.configure like this:

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.filter_run_excluding :slow => true

Note: the naming is different for historical reasons, and we will reconcile that in a future release, but for now, just know that --tag on the command line and in .rspec is synonymous with filter_run_[including|excluding] in RSpec.configure.

Override from command line

Whether the default is stored in .rspec or RSpec.configure, it can be overridden from the command line like this:

rspec --tag slow:true

“Profiles” in custom options files

The rspec command has an --options option that let’s store command line args in arbitrary files and tell RSpec where to find them. For example, you could set things up so your normal spec run excludes the groups and examples marked :slow by putting this in .rspec:

--tag ~slow

Now add a .slow file with:

--tag slow

Now run rspec to run everything but the slow specs, and run rspec --options .slow or rspec -O.slow to run the slow ones.

Override from Rake task

RSpec’s Rake task supports an rspec_opts config option, which means you can set up different groupings from rake tasks as well. The fast/slow example above would look like this:

namespace :spec do
  desc "runs the fast specs"
  RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:fast) do |t|
    t.rspec_opts = '--options .fast'
  RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:slow) do |t|
    t.rspec_opts = '--options .slow'

Or ..

namespace :spec do
  desc "runs the fast specs"
  RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:fast) do |t|
    t.rspec_opts = '--tag ~slow'
  RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:slow) do |t|
    t.rspec_opts = '--tag slow'

Implicit true value for tags/filters

This is not new in rspec-2.8, but all the tags/filters in the example above can be written without explicitly typing true:

--tag slow
--tag ~slow

RSpec.configure {|c| c.filter_run_excluding :slow}

it "does something", :slow do

You have to set a config option to enable this in rspec-2.x:

RSpec.configure {|c| c.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true}

In rspec-3.0, this will be the default, but without setting this value in 2.x you’ll get a deprecation warning when you try to configure things this way. It’s ugly, I know, but this enabled us to introduce the new behavior without breaking compatibility with some suites in a minor release.


With 2.8, you can now run the examples in random order, using the new --order option:

--order rand

The order is randomized with some reasonable caveats:

  • top level example groups are randomized
  • nested groups are randomized within their parent group
  • examples are randomized within their group

This provides a very useful level of randomization while maintaining the integrity of before/after hooks, subject, let, etc.

If you want to run the examples in the default ordering (file-system load order for files and declaration order for groups/examples), you can override the order from the command line:

--order default


The randomization is managed by Ruby’s pseudo-randomization. This means that if you find an order dependency and want to debug/fix it, you can fix the order by providing the same seed for each run:

--order rand:1234

The seed is printed to the console with each run, so you can just copy it to the command. You can also just specify the seed, which RSpec will assume means you want to run with --order rand:

--seed 1234

Every time you run the suite with the same seed, the examples will run in the same “random” order.

Built-in matchers are all classes in rspec-expectations

The Matcher DSL in rspec-expectations makes it dead simple to define custom matchers that suit your domain. The problem is that it is several times slower than defining a class to do so. While this doesn’t make much difference when you have a custom matcher that you use a few dozen times (where talking hundredths of seconds here), it does make a difference if every single matcher invocation in your entire suite suffers this problem.

The short term fix is that all of the built-in matchers have been re-implemented as classes rather than using the DSL to declare them. This has the added benefit of making it easier to navigate the code and RDoc

Longer term, we’ll try to refactor the internals of the matcher DSL so that it generates a class at declaration time. Eventually.

Summing up

So that’s it. Nothing ground breaking. Nothing compatibility breaking. But some nice new features and improvements that will make your life just a little bit nicer when you upgrade. We’re doing a release candidate because enough changed internally that I want to give you time to try it out, so please, please do so! And please report any issues you’re having with this upgrade to:

Assuming there are no significant issues, I’ll release 2.8 final within a week or two.

Happy spec’ing!

