David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

rspec-2 and autotest

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[Updated on 17 March, 2010]

I just released rspec-2.0.0.beta.4 with support for autotest, among other enhancements. Autotest integration is going to be a bit different in rspec-2. We’re removing the autospec command, which did nothing but set an environment variable and call autotest.

In rspec-2, you’ll use the autotest command directly, but doing so requires a small bit of configuration. As of beta.4, you’ll have to do add this configuration manually. Just create an autotest directory in the root of your project, put the following statement in ./autotest/discover.rb:

Autotest.add_discovery { "rspec2" }

The final 2.0.0 release will include a generator (even for non-rails projects) that will add this for you.
