David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

rspec-1.1.12 is released

We just released rspec-1.1.12. You can read the changelogs for rspec and rspec-rails for all the details, but are some changes that you should definitely know about.

Cucumber is the new Story Runner

rspec-1.1.12 is the last release that will ship with the Story Runner bundled. With the next release, we will do the one and only gem release of repo so you won’t be forced to upgrade to Cucumber Thanks to Chad Humphries for stepping in and extracting the Story Runner to a separate repo.

The Story Runner is deprecated, however, and we will not be maintaining it. If anybody wants to maintain it, you’re welcome to. Just fork the repo and have at it.

Why are we deprecating the Story Runner? Because Aslak Hellesøy’s Cucumber library kicks its ass. Easier setup means lower barrier to entry, building on treetop means great feedback with backtraces plus support for an ever-growing list of written languages. And migrating from RSpec Stories is a snap. So what are you waiting for?

Rails 1.2.6 will no longer be supported by new versions of rspec

rspec-rails-1.1.12 is the last rspec release that will support pre-2.0 releases of Rails. For anybody interested in maintaining rspec-rails for rails-1.2.6, I’ve created a 1.1-maintenance branch, which you are welcome to fork and go nuts. There is also a 1.1-maintenance branch for rspec, so you’d be working from a matched pair.

So that’s what’s going away. Here’s what’s new!

it { should provide_an_implicit_subject }

Ever write a code example like this?

describe Person do
it "should validate presence of email" do
  person = Person.new(:email =>; nil)
  person.should_not be_valid
  person.should have(1).error_on(:email)

That comes up pretty often in rails apps when spec’ing out models. There are a few matcher libraries out there like rspec-on-rails-matchers that provide matchers like this validate_presence_of(:email), which let you reduce the previous example to this:

describe Person do
it "should validate presence email" do
  Person.new.should validate_presence_of(:email)

Of course, the next step is to want to get rid of the redundancy between the docstring passed to #it and the matcher, so you end up with this:

describe Person do
it do
  Person.new.should validate_presence_of(:email)

Do it? Ugh! This has always driven me nuts when I see it do, so I’d make that this:

describe Person do
it { Person.new.should validate_presence_of(:email) }

Well, thanks to a contribution from Joe Ferris from thoughtbot, we now have an implicit subject in our specs, so you can do this:

describe Person do
it { should validate_presence_of(:email) }

w00t! Now that is concise. Brandon Keepers wrote about this a while back, but this feature hadn’t actually been released until rspec-1.1.12.

it { should handle_slightly_more_complex_conditions }

The implicit subject feature works by creating a new instance of the class passed to describe for each example. In the last example above, when the example receives the #should message, it delegates it to a new instance of Person. That’s fine for a lot of cases, but sometimes we’ll need a bit more context than simply calling new. For those situations, you can create your own subject for an example group like this:

describe Person do
describe "born 19 years ago" do
  subject { Person.new(:birthdate => 19.years.ago }
  it { should be_eligible_to_vote }
  it { should be_eligible_to_enlist }
  it { should_not be_eligible_to_drink }

Happy Spec’ing, and Happy New Year!