I’m preparing to present a practical demonstration of rspec, cucumber and friends at Rails Summit Latin America this Thursday.
I was playing with the idea of using cucumber/rspec to drive the development of a cucumber browser/editor, but I’ve decided that it ends up being a bit too meta for a conference presentation.
Of course, nothing is too meta for a blog post, and clearly I’ve already procrastinated a great deal if it’s just a few days before and I’m still prototyping the app, so why not take some more time away from what I should be doing and post this sillyness?
And with that … enjoy!
Feature: create feature
So that I can easily create new feature
As a stakeholder
I want to create a feature in a browser
Scenario: create feature
When I create a new feature named "Eat Cheese"
And I give "Eat Cheese" the narrative:
So that I can be happy
As a cheese-loving person
I want to eat cheese
And I add a scenario to "Eat Cheese" named "roquefort"
And I add a step to "roquefort" with "Given I am holding my nose"
And I add a step to "roquefort" with "When I eat a hunk o' roquefort"
And I add a step to "roquefort" with "Then I should smile at its deliciousness"
And I save and run the "roquefort" scenario
Then I should see "3 steps pending"
And I should see:
You can use these snippets to implement pending steps:
Given /^I am holding my nose$/ do
When /^I eat a hunk o' roquefort$/ do
Then /^I should smile at its deliciousness$/ do
DISCLAIMER: This also assumes some support for multi-line steps that has not yet been implemented and may not be supported as depicted here. So please don’t try this at home.