David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

rspec 0.9 - plug in any mock framework

RSpec-0.9 lets you work with the mock framework of your choice. It not only ships with adapters for mocha and flexmock, but it also provides you an easy entry point to plug in another framework of your choosing – or even your creation.

rspec, mocha or flexmock

RSpec is the default mock framework, so if you want to use RSpec’s mock framework you need not set anything up. If you want to use mocha or flexmock, just say

<code>Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.mock_with :mocha


<code>Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.mock_with :flexmock

Of course, if you’re using mocha or flexmock you have to install those gems, but you don’t need to require them because that is taken care of for you implicitly.

Other mocking frameworks

If you have another mocking framework that you like to use, or one that you are developing yourself, you’ll need to create an adapter for it like this:

<code>module MyMockFrameworkAdapter
def setup_mocks_for_rspec
  # Called before any #before(:each) blocks - use
  # this to set up any necessary hooks to your system.
def verify_mocks_for_rspec
  # Called after any #after(:each) blocks.
  # NOTE - your mocks should fail by raising an error.
def teardown_mocks_for_rspec
  # Called after verify_mocks_for_rspec. This
  # is guaranteed to run, even if there
  # are failures.

And then include it using the new configuration system:

<code>Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
config.mock_with MyMockFrameworkAdapter