David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

Windy City Rails

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I’m presenting at Windy City Rails in September. This is just the second year of this exciting midwest Rails conference, but the schedule looks most impressive. Talks range from How To Test Absolutely Anything to Better Ruby through Functional Programming to a Rails 3 Update from Yehuda Katz, Rails core’s newest member and the man who is bringing the best of Merb to Rails 3.

Last year I did a presentation about BDD and, with such a wide subject, ran out of time before I got through most of it. This year, the organizers of the conference have given me the opportunity to talk for three full hours! Count ‘em. Three!

It’s actually not just me talking (whew!). It’s a tutorial entitled Behaviour Driven Rails with RSpec and Cucumber. I’m planning an intensive skills development workshop, taking attendees through the development of a feature in a Rails app from planning to writing Cucumber scenarios to driving out code with RSpec. This is going to be about as close as you’ll get to a BDD immersion in three hours, so I hope to see you there whether you’re just learning about BDD now or you’ve already been doing it for a while.

See you in September!
