David Chelimsky

random thoughtlessness

Upgrading to ZenTest 4.1.0

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If you use Autotest with Ruby on Rails, be sure to gem install autotest-rails when you upgrade to ZenTest-4.1.0.

Without that gem, when you run the autospec command that ships with RSpec, Autotest won’t won’t have any way of knowing it’s in a Rails app and it will load up rspec’s autotest/rspec.rb instead of rspec-railsautotest/rails_rspec.rb.

Even if you’re not using RSpec, you’ll get ZenTest’s autotest/autotest.rb instead of autotest/rails.rb when you run the autotest command.

The next release of rspec-rails will include a patch to resolve this for RSpec users, but in the mean time (and for everybody else), just gem install autotest-rails and resume your regularly scheduled continuous testing.
